Capital Area Rural Transportation System

Request for Qualifications

Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) is soliciting proposals for the selection of a Comprehensive Design, Architecture, Engineer and Planning Firm to provide professional services for the planning and design through construction documents and construction administration for the expansion of the existing park-and-ride lot at CARTS Bastrop Intermodal Station in Bastrop, Texas.

Request for Qualifications documents will be available on the CARTS Website beginning at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Go to: select the Bastrop Station link and follow the instructions.

A pre-proposal conference (not mandatory but recommended) will be held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at CARTS, 5300 Tucker Hill Lane, Cedar Creek, Texas.

The schedule is:

Tuesday, February 11, 2025: 2:00 p.m.- RFQ documents available for download

Tuesday, February 18, 2025: 2:00 p.m.- Pre-proposal conference

Tuesday, February 25, 2025: 5:00 p.m.- Deadline for proposal questions

Tuesday, March 4, 2025: 5:00 p.m.- Responses to questions posted on website

Tuesday, March 18, 2025: 2:00 p.m.- Proposals due at CARTS

Proposals will be evaluated on cost, qualifications, experience, the quality and content of the submittal.


David L. Marsh

General Manager

Capital Area Rural Transportation System

Filed: January 21, 2025

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Certification of the Average Closing Price of Gas and Oil - December 2024

The Comptroller of Public Accounts, administering agency for the collection of the Oil Production Tax, has determined, as required by Tax Code, §202.058, that the average taxable price of oil for reporting period December 2024 is $43.42 per barrel for the three-month period beginning on September 1, 2024, and ending November 30, 2024. Therefore, pursuant to Tax Code, §202.058, oil produced during the month of December 2024, from a qualified low-producing oil lease, is not eligible for credit on the oil production tax imposed by Tax Code, Chapter 202.

The Comptroller of Public Accounts, administering agency for the collection of the Natural Gas Production Tax, has determined, as required by Tax Code, §201.059, that the average taxable price of gas for reporting period December 2024 is $1.05 per mcf for the three-month period beginning on September 1, 2024, and ending November 30, 2024. Therefore, pursuant to Tax Code, §201.059, gas produced during the month of December 2024, from a qualified low-producing well, is eligible for a 100% credit on the natural gas production tax imposed by Tax Code, Chapter 201.

The Comptroller of Public Accounts, administering agency for the collection of the Franchise Tax, has determined, as required by Tax Code, §171.1011(s), that the average closing price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil for the month of December 2024 is $69.70 per barrel. Therefore, pursuant to Tax Code, §171.1011(r), a taxable entity shall not exclude total revenue received from oil produced during the month of December 2024, from a qualified low-producing oil well.

The Comptroller of Public Accounts, administering agency for the collection of the Franchise Tax, has determined, as required by Tax Code, §171.1011(s), that the average closing price of gas for the month of December 2024 is $3.35 per MMBtu. Therefore, pursuant to Tax Code, §171.1011(r), a taxable entity shall exclude total revenue received from gas produced during the month of December 2024, from a qualified low-producing gas well.

Inquiries should be submitted to Jenny Burleson, Director, Tax Policy Division, P.O. Box 13528, Austin, Texas 78711-3528.


Jenny Burleson

Director, Tax Policy

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Filed: January 21, 2025

Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner

Notice of Rate Ceilings

The Consumer Credit Commissioner of Texas has ascertained the following rate ceilings by use of the formulas and methods described in §303.003, §303.009, and §304.003 Texas Finance Code.

The weekly ceiling as prescribed by §303.003 and §303.009 for the period of 01/27/25- 02/02/25 is 18.00% for consumer1 credit.

The weekly ceiling as prescribed by §303.003 and §303.009 for the period of 01/27/25- 02/02/25 is 18.00% for commercial2 credit.

The postjudgment interest rate as prescribed by §304.003 for the period of 02/01/25 - 02/29/25 is 7.50%.

1 Credit for personal, family, or household use.

2 Credit for business, commercial, investment, or other similar purpose.


Leslie Pettijohn


Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner

Filed: January 22, 2025

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Agreed Orders

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) staff is providing an opportunity for written public comment on the listed Agreed Orders (AOs) in accordance with Texas Water Code (TWC), §7.075. TWC, §7.075, requires that before the commission may approve the AOs, the commission shall allow the public an opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed AOs. TWC, §7.075, requires that notice of the proposed orders and the opportunity to comment must be published in the Texas Register no later than the 30th day before the date on which the public comment period closes, which in this case is March 4, 2025. TWC, §7.075, also requires that the commission promptly consider any written comments received and that the commission may withdraw or withhold approval of an AO if a comment discloses facts or considerations that indicate that consent is inappropriate, improper, inadequate, or inconsistent with the requirements of the statutes and rules within the commission's jurisdiction or the commission's orders and permits issued in accordance with the commission's regulatory authority. Additional notice of changes to a proposed AO is not required to be published if those changes are made in response to written comments.

A copy of each proposed AO is available for public inspection at both the commission's central office, located at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building C, 1st Floor, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-2545 and at the applicable regional office listed as follows. Written comments about an AO should be sent to the enforcement coordinator designated for each AO at the commission's central office at P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on March 4, 2025. Written comments may also be sent by facsimile machine to the enforcement coordinator at (512) 239-2550. The commission's enforcement coordinators are available to discuss the AOs and/or the comment procedure at the listed phone numbers; however, TWC, §7.075, provides that comments on the AOs shall be submitted to the commission in writing.

(1) COMPANY: Aqua Texas, Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1420-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102681095; LOCATION: Spring, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.41(c)(1)(F), by failing to obtain a sanitary control easement covering land within 150 feet of the facility's Well Number 3; PENALTY: $350; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Ilia Perez-Ramirez, (713) 767-3743; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(2) COMPANY: Best Block, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1133-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102215407; LOCATION: Alleyton, Colorado County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.46(n)(3), by failing to keep on file copies of well completion data as defined in 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(A) for as long as the well remains in service; PENALTY: $101; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Mason DeMasi, (210) 657-8425; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 492-3096.

(3) COMPANY: City of Crowell; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0959-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101383636; LOCATION: Crowell, Foard County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water system; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.080 milligrams per liter for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $2,550; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Corinna Willis, (512) 239-2504; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(4) COMPANY: City of Ralls; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0680-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101388189; LOCATION: Ralls, Crosby County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.117(e)(2), (h) and (i)(3), by failing to conduct water quality parameter sampling at each of the facility's entry points and the required distribution sample sites, have the samples analyzed, and report the results to the executive director (ED) for the June 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022, monitoring period; 30 TAC §290.117(f)(3)(A), by failing to submit a recommendation to the ED for optimal corrosion control treatment within six months after the end of the January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, monitoring period during which the lead action level was exceeded; and 30 TAC §290.117(g)(2)(A), by failing to submit a recommendation to the ED for source water treatment within 180 days after the end of the January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, monitoring period during which the lead action level was exceeded; PENALTY: $1,685; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Wyatt Throm, (512) 239-1120; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(5) COMPANY: City of San Antonio; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1696-EAQ-E; IDENTIFIER: RN105489553; LOCATION: San Antonio, Bexar County; TYPE OF FACILITY: construction site; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §213.4(a)(1) and Edwards Aquifer Protection Plan ID Number 13-09101601, Standard Conditions Number 6, by failing to obtain approval of a modification to an approved Edwards Aquifer Water Pollution Abatement Plan prior to commencing regulated activity over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone; PENALTY: $3,750; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Megan Crinklaw, (512) 239-1129; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(6) COMPANY: Jaguar Fueling Services, LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0222-PST-E; IDENTIFIER: RN111856290; LOCATION: Humble, Texas County; TYPE OF FACILITY: fuel transport and delivery; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §334.5(b)(1)(A) and TWC, §26.3467(d), by failing to make available a valid, current TCEQ delivery certificate before depositing a regulated substance into a regulated underground storage tank system; PENALTY: $29,354; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Rachel Murray, (905) 535-5149; REGIONAL OFFICE: 2916 Teague Drive, Tyler, Texas 75701-3734, (903) 535-5100.

(7) COMPANY: John Alexander and Judy Alexander; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0362-WR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN111564431; LOCATION: DeBerry, Panola County; TYPE OF FACILITY: retail orchard; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §297.11 and TWC, §11.121, by failing to obtain authorization prior to diverting, impounding, storing, taking, or using state water; PENALTY: $10,500; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Harley Hobson, (512) 239-1337; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(8) COMPANY: KM Liquids Terminals LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2022-1059-IWD-E; IDENTIFIER: RN103137790; LOCATION: Galena Park, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: special warehousing and storage; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §305.125(1), TWC, §26.121(a)(1), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Number WQ0001662000, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Numbers 1 and 2 for Outfall 002, by failing to comply with permitted effluent limitations; PENALTY: $14,625; SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT OFFSET AMOUNT: $5,850; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Taylor Williamson, (512) 239-2097; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(9) COMPANY: Lake Alan Henry Boat and RV Storage Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1013-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN105673313; LOCATION: Justiceburg, Garza County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.106(f)(2) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.031(a), by failing to comply with the acute maximum contaminant level of ten milligrams per liter for nitrate; PENALTY: $4,500; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Ronica Rodriguez Scott, (512) 239-2510; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(10) COMPANY: LOOP WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1033-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101183036; LOCATION: Loop, Gaines County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.106(f)(3)(C) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.010 milligrams per liter (mg/L) for arsenic and 4 mg/L for fluoride based on a running annual average; 30 TAC §290.117(c)(2)(C), (h), and (i)(1), by failing to collect lead and copper tap samples at the required five sample sites, have the samples analyzed, and report the results to the executive director (ED) for the January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2022, monitoring period; and 30 TAC §290.122(c)(2)(A) and (f), by failing to provide public notification and submit a copy of the public notification, accompanied with a signed Certificate of Delivery, to the ED regarding the failure to collect water quality parameter samples for the July 1 - 31, 2021, monitoring period; PENALTY: $3,450; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Wyatt Throm, (512) 239-1120; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(11) COMPANY: LUCKY LADY OIL COMPANY; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1108-PST-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102497161; LOCATION: Fort Worth, Tarrant County; TYPE OF FACILITY: common carrier; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §334.5(b)(1)(A) and TWC, §26.3467(d), by failing to make available a valid, current TCEQ delivery certificate before depositing a regulated substance into a regulated underground storage tank system; PENALTY: $4,510; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Leah Johns, (512) 239-0454; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(12) COMPANY: Natgasoline LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2022-1180-IWD-E; IDENTIFIER: RN106586795; LOCATION: Beaumont, Jefferson County; TYPE OF FACILITY: industrial organic chemical facility; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §305.125(1), TWC, §26.121(a)(1), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit Number WQ0005143000, Outfall Numbers 001 and 101, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Numbers 1 and 2, by failing to comply with permitted effluent limitations; 30 TAC §305.125 (1) and (18) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0005143000, Other Requirements Number 1, by failing to submit a quarterly progress report by the 14th day following the schedule date; and 30 TAC §305.125(1) and §319.5(b) and TPDES Permit Number WQ0005143000, Outfall Number 001, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Number 2, by failing to collect and analyze effluent samples at the intervals specified in the permit; PENALTY: $27,225; SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT OFFSET AMOUNT: $10,890; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Harley Hobson, (512) 239-1337; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(13) COMPANY: PAVO RANCH, LP; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0928-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102320033; LOCATION: Lubbock, Lubbock County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.46(n)(1), by failing to maintain at the public water system accurate and up-to-date detailed as-built plans or record drawings and specifications for each treatment plant, pump station, and storage tank until the facility is decommissioned; and 30 TAC §290.46(n)(3), by failing to keep on file copies of well completion data as defined in 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(A) for as long as the well remains in service; PENALTY: $1,000; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Ronica Rodriguez Scott, (512) 239-2510; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(14) COMPANY: Pritchett Water Supply Corporation; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0943-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101224608; LOCATION: Gilmer, Upshur County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.44(c), by failing to ensure all water lines within the distribution system meet the minimum diameter based on the number of connections and failing to ensure waterlines less than two inches in diameter are not installed in the distribution system; 30 TAC §290.46(q)(1)(A)(i), formerly 290.46(q)(2), by failing to institute special precautions as described in the flowchart found in 30 TAC §290.47(e) in the event of low distribution pressure and water outages; and 30 TAC §290.121(a) and (b), by failing to maintain an up-to-date chemical and microbiological monitoring plan that identifies all sampling locations, describes the sampling frequency, and specifies the analytical procedures and laboratories that the facility will use to comply with the monitoring requirements; PENALTY: $1,938; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Savannah Jackson, (512) 239-4306; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(15) COMPANY: Quail Creek Municipal Utility District; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0767-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101452068; LOCATION: Victoria, Victoria County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.106(f)(3)(C) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.010 milligrams per liter for arsenic based on a running annual average; PENALTY: $1,275; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: De'Shaune Blake, (210) 403-4033; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 492-3096.

(16) COMPANY: SAGERTON WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0926-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101218386; LOCATION: Sagerton, Haskell County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maxiumum contaminant level of 0.080 milligram per liter for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $1,587; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Tessa Bond, (512) 239-1269; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(17) COMPANY: Shellie M. Harrison; DOCKET NUMBER: 2024-0121-OSS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN109248930; LOCATION: Fate, Rockwall County; TYPE OF FACILITY: on-site sewage facility (OSSF); RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §285.32(b)(1)(D), by failing to ensure inspection and cleanout ports are watertight; 30 TAC §285.33(d)(2)(E) and §285.33(d)(2)(G), by failing to maintain the minimum required surface application area and provide uniform distribution of treated effluent; 30 TAC §285.33(d)(2)(D), by failing to disinfect effluent prior to surface application; 30 TAC §285.33(d)(2)(G)(i), by failing to control OSSF surface application system sprinkler operation by timers set to spray between midnight and 5:00 a.m. when the separation distance between the property line and the edge of the surface application area is less than 20 feet; 30 TAC §285.38(d)(3), by failing to prevent unauthorized access to an OSSF; and 30 TAC §285.70(a)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §366.017(a)(1), by failing to initiate repair of a malfunctioning OSSF system no later than the 30th day after the date which the owner is notified of the malfunctioning system; PENALTY: $1,786; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Nancy Sims, (512) 239-5053; REGIONAL OFFICE: 5425 Polk Street, Suite H, Houston, Texas 77023-1452, (713) 767-3500.

(18) COMPANY: Steamboat Mountain Water Supply Corporation; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1008-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101450773; LOCATION: Tuscola, Taylor County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.115(f)(1) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to comply with the maximum contaminant level of 0.080 milligram per liter for total trihalomethanes, based on the locational running annual average; PENALTY: $2,925; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Tessa Bond, (512) 239-1269; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(19) COMPANY: SUPER FUELS LOMBARDY LLC; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1144-PST-E; IDENTIFIER: RN102354040; LOCATION: Dallas, Dallas County; TYPE OF FACILITY: convenience store with retail sales of gasoline; RULE VIOLATED: 30 TAC §334.77(b), by failing to submit a report to the TCEQ summarizing the inital abatement steps taken within 20 days after a release of a regulated substance from an underground storage tank system; PENALTY: $2,250; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Faye Renfro, (512) 239-1833; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(20) COMPANY: TEXAS WATER SYSTEMS, INCORPORATED; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-0694-PWS-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101376952; LOCATION: Ore City, Upshur County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water supply; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(B), by failing to provide a well casing a minimum of 18 inches above the elevation of the finished floor of the pump house or natural ground surface; 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(J), by failing to provide the well with a concrete sealing block that extends a minimum of three feet from the well casing in all directions, with a minimum thickness of six inches and sloped to drain away from the wellhead at not less than 0.25 inches per foot; 30 TAC §290.41(c)(3)(N), by failing to provide a flow measuring device for each well to measure production yields and provide for the accumulation of water production data; 30 TAC §290.43(c)(3), by failing to maintain the facility's storage tanks in strict accordance with current American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards with an overflow pipe that terminates downward with a gravity-hinged and weighted cover tightly fitted with no gap over 1/16 inch; 30 TAC §290.43(c)(4), by failing to provide all ground storage tanks (GSTs) with a liquid level indicator; 30 TAC §290.43(c)(8), by failing to ensure that all clearwells, GSTs, standpipes, and elevated storage tanks are painted, disinfected, and maintained in strict accordance with current AWWA standards; 30 TAC §290.44(c), by failing to ensure all waterlines within the distribution system meet the minimum waterline size, measured in inches in diameter, based on the number of connection; 30 TAC §290.45(b)(1)(C)(ii) and Texas Health and Safety Code, §341.0315(c), by failing to provide a total storage capacity of 200 gallons per connection; 30 TAC §290.46(s)(1), by failing to calibrate the facility's well meter at least once every three years; 30 TAC §290.46(s)(2)(C)(i), by failing to verify the accuracy of the manual disinfectant residual analyzer at least once every 90 days using chlorine solutions of known concentrations; 30 TAC §290.109(d)(1)(A), by failing to collect routine distribution coliform samples at a customer's premise, dedicated sampling station, or other designated compliance sampling location at active service connections which are representative of water quality throughout the distribution system; and 30 TAC §291.76 and TWC, §5.702, by failing to pay regulatory assessment fees for the TCEQ Public Utility Account regarding Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Number 12473 for calendar year 2023; PENALTY: $6,156; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Emerson Rinewalt, (512) 239-1131; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(21) COMPANY: Texas Water Utilities, L.P.; DOCKET NUMBER: 2023-1258-MLM-E; IDENTIFIER: RN101251403; LOCATION: Bandera, Bandera County; TYPE OF FACILITY: public water system; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §290.45(b)(1)(D)(ii) and Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §341.0315(c), by failing to provide the minimum total storage capacity; 30 TAC §290.45(b)(1)(D)(iii) and THSC, §341.0315(c), by failing to provide the minimum service pump capacity; 30 TAC §290.45(b)(1)(D)(iv) and THSC, §341.0315(c), by failing to provide the minimum pressure tank capacity; and 30 TAC §291.93(3)(A) and TWC, §13.139(d), by failing to provide a written planning report for a utility possessing a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity that has reached or exceeded 85% of all or part of its capacity; PENALTY: $19,700; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Rachel Frey, (512) 239-4330; REGIONAL OFFICE: P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, (512) 239-2545.

(22) COMPANY: Vopak Terminal Deer Park Incorporated; DOCKET NUMBER: 2022-1166-AIR-E; IDENTIFIER: RN100225093; LOCATION: Deer Park, Harris County; TYPE OF FACILITY: storage terminal; RULES VIOLATED: 30 TAC §§101.20(2), 116.115(c) and 122.143(4), 40 Code of Federal Regulations §63.112b(a)(1)(i), New Source Review (NSR) Permit Number 466A, Special Conditions (SC) Number 30, Federal Operating Permit (FOP) Number O1068, General Terms and Conditions (GTC) and Special Terms and Conditions (STC) Number 16, and Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §382.085(b), by failing to refill a tank as rapidly as possible within the specified limits; 30 TAC §116.115(c) and §122.143(4), NSR Permit Number 466A, SC Number 6, FOP Number O1068, GTC and STC Number 16, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to comply with the tank withdrawal rate; and 30 TAC §116.115(c) and §122.143(4), NSR Permit Number 466A, SC Number 13, FOP Number O1068, GTC and STC Number 16, and THSC, §382.085(b), by failing to maintain chemicals in storage tanks at a temperature less than or equal to the control temperature; PENALTY: $34,500; ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR: Yuliya Dunaway, (210) 403-4077; REGIONAL OFFICE: 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, Texas 78233-4480, (210) 492-3096.


Gitanjali Yadav

Deputy Director, Litigation Division

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 21, 2025

Enforcement Orders

An agreed order was adopted regarding ABRAXAS CORPORATION, Docket No. 2021-0206-MWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $40,395 in administrative penalties with $39,195 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Ben Warms, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding City of Quanah, Docket No. 2022-0163-MWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $29,000 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Taylor Williamson, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding OXY USA Inc., Docket No. 2022-0295-AIR-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $219,105 in administrative penalties with $43,821 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Yuliya Dunaway, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Owens Corning Insulating Systems, LLC, Docket No. 2022-0422-AIR-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $21,875 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Caleb Martin, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

A default order was adopted regarding Najwa M. Hammad dba BJ's Food Store, Docket No. 2022-0748-PST-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $4,340 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Cynthia Sirois, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding K-Solv Chemicals, LLC, Docket No. 2022-0750-AIR-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $164,996 in administrative penalties with $32,999 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Danielle Porras, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Six Flags Entertainment Corporation dba Six Flags Fiesta Texas, Docket No. 2022-0846-PST-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $31,248 in administrative penalties with $6,249 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Karolyn Kent, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

A default and shutdown order was adopted regarding SORT Valley LLC dba Mini Max 4, Docket No. 2022-0849-PST-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $6,619 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Cynthia Sirois, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

A default order was adopted regarding A DEEL'S BUSINESS INC., Docket No. 2022-0936-PST-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $5,386 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Marilyn Norrod, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding City of Tenaha, Docket No. 2022-0960-MWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $161,825 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Casey Kurnath, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Enterprise Products Operating LLC, Docket No. 2022-1103-IWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $15,975 in administrative penalties with $3,195 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Samantha Smith, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

A default order was adopted regarding CoastalPlains Estate, LLC, Docket No. 2023-0207-WQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $5,000 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Jennifer Peltier, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

A default order was adopted regarding Solorzano, Angel, Docket No. 2023-0331-LII-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $864 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Cynthia Sirois, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Ellwood Texas Forge Navasota, LLC, Docket No. 2023-0675-IWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $17,875 in administrative penalties with $3,575 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Samantha Smith, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Mohammad Saeed dba Haltom Stop, Docket No. 2023-1218-PST-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $9,000 in administrative penalties with $1,800 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Tiffany Chu, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding CARTHAGE HARDWOODS LLC, Docket No. 2023-1781-WQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $55,000 in administrative penalties with $11,000 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nancy Sims, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Aqua Utilities, Inc., Docket No. 2024-0139-PWS-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $84,000 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Wyatt Throm, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Green Creek Water Supply Corporation, Docket No. 2024-0211-PWS-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $2,625 in administrative penalties with $2,625 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Tessa Bond, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding MIDWAY WATER UTILITIES, INC., Docket No. 2024-0215-MLM-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $18,199 in administrative penalties with $3,639 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Kaisie Hubschmitt, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

A default and shutdown order was adopted regarding SORT Valley LLC dba Minimax 2, Docket No. 2024-0296-PST-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $6,620 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Cynthia Sirois, Staff Attorney at (512) 239-3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding ATX Liberty Concrete LLC, Docket No. 2024-0364-EAQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $13,500 in administrative penalties with $2,700 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nancy Sims, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding POPE AND COBB CORPORATION, Docket No. 2024-0518-MWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $25,875 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Harley Hobson, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding PANJWANI ENERGY, LLC, Docket No. 2024-1005-WQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $10,000 in administrative penalties with $2,000 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nancy Sims, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding GULF COAST CONCRETE AND SHELL, INC., Docket No. 2024-1058-WQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $30,307 in administrative penalties with $6,061 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nancy Sims, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding GULF COAST CONCRETE AND SHELL, INC., Docket No. 2024-1059-WQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $35,358 in administrative penalties with $7,071 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nancy Sims, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Richmond American Homes of Texas, Inc., Docket No. 2024-1114-WQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $12,500 in administrative penalties with $2,500 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nancy Sims, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Five S Group, L.L.C., Docket No. 2024-1196-WQ-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $22,500 in administrative penalties with $4,500 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Madison Stringer, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding South Garza Water Supply Corporation and CLIFFORD & CLYDE KITTEN, L.P., Docket No. 2024-1198-PWS-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $1,437 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting De'Shaune Blake, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding City of Missouri City, Docket No. 2024-1268-MWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $34,500 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Taylor Williamson, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Manvel Utilities Limited Partnership, Docket No. 2024-1290-MWD-E on January 16, 2025, assessing $16,875 in administrative penalties with $3,375 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Sarah Castillo, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Enforcement Orders

An agreed order was adopted regarding GenTex Power Corporation, Docket No. 2022-0854-AIR-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $7,050 in administrative penalties with $1,410 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Mackenzie Mehlmann, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding VARDHMAN INVESTMENT, INC. dba Dickinson Food Mart, Docket No. 2022-1051-PST-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $6,750 in administrative penalties with $1,350 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Melissa Anderson, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding SILVER SAND FARM PROPERTIES, LTD., Docket No. 2022-1542-PST-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $2,872 in administrative penalties with $574 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Karolyn Kent, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding BRYSON DEVELOPMENT LLC, Docket No. 2023-0150-EAQ-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,625 in administrative penalties with $325 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nick Lohret-Froio, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding H2ECO Bulk LLC, Docket No. 2023-0608-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,259 in administrative penalties with $251 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Kaisie Hubschmitt, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Alphonsa Enterprise, LLC dba King Food Store, Docket No. 2023-0818-PST-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $5,454 in administrative penalties with $1,090 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Eresha DeSilva, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Realty Capital Argyle 114, Ltd., Docket No. 2023-0947-WQ-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,875 in administrative penalties with $375 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Mark Gamble, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Aqua Texas, Inc., Docket No. 2023-0976-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $4,365 in administrative penalties with $873 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Ilia Perez-Ramirez, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding INV Nylon Chemicals Americas, LLC, Docket No. 2023-1019-WDW-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $4,235 in administrative penalties with $847 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Stephanie McCurley, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Aqua Development, Inc., Docket No. 2023-1055-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $780 in administrative penalties with $156 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Tessa Bond, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding JIS LLC dba I-35 Texaco, Docket No. 2023-1065-PST-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $3,681 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Alexander Kepczyk Staff Attorney at (512) 239 3400, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711 3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding WICHITA VALLEY Water Supply Corporation Docket No. 2023-1710-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $3,925 in administrative penalties with $785 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Rachel Frey, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Cswr-Texas Utility Operating Company Llc, Docket No. 2024-0055-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $2,055 in administrative penalties with $411 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Miles Caston, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Haynie Leadership Group, Inc. dba A and V Water, Docket No. 2024-0166-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,000 in administrative penalties with $200 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Savannah Jackson, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding AT&T CORP. dba AT&T Adams 1 Frisco, Docket No. 2024-0259-PST-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $3,750 in administrative penalties with $750 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Eunice Adegelu, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding CAMP OLYMPIA, INC., Docket No. 2024-0299-MWD-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $3,825 in administrative penalties with $765 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Samantha Smith, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding City of Magnolia, Docket No. 2024-0340-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $2,142 in administrative penalties with $428 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Tessa Bond, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding REPUBLIC WASTE SERVICES OF TEXAS, LTD. dba Republic Services of Lubbock, Docket No. 2024-0363-MSW-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $2,438 in administrative penalties with $487 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Tiffany Chu, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Rhome Estates LLC, Docket No. 2024-0411-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,000 in administrative penalties with $200 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Taner Hengst, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Alliance Community Fellowship, Docket No. 2024-0412-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,750 in administrative penalties with $350 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Tessa Bond, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Undine Texas, LLC, Docket No. 2024-0462-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $3,000 in administrative penalties with $600 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Emerson Rinewalt, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Nerro Supply, LLC, Docket No. 2024-0469-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $150 in administrative penalties with $30 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Deshaune Blake, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Texas Water Utilities, L.P., Docket No. 2024-0493-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $2,055 in administrative penalties with $411 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Miles Caston, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Kevin Drover dba Shafter Mine and Aurcana Silver Corporation dba Shafter Mine, Docket No. 2024-0552-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $6,241 in administrative penalties with $1,248 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Ilia Perez-Ramirez, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding Washburn Community Water Supply Corporation, Docket No. 2024-0660-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,920 in administrative penalties with $384 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nick Lohret-Froio, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding City of Chandler, Docket No. 2024-0663-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $50 in administrative penalties with $10 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Nick Lohret-Froio, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding BERRY UTILITY CONTRACTORS LLC, Docket No. 2024-0711-WOC-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,034 in administrative penalties with $206 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Daphne Greene, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding RPM Water Supply Corporation, Docket No. 2024-0847-PWS-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $50 in administrative penalties with $10 defferd. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Taner Hengst, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding the Town of Providence Village, Docket No. 2024-1212-WQ-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $1,625 in administrative penalties with $325 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Kolby Farren, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

An agreed order was adopted regarding AUSTIN READY-MIX, LLC dba West Henly Concrete Batch Plant, Docket No. 2024-1412-MLM-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $4,200 in administrative penalties with $840 deferred. Information concerning any aspect of this order may be obtained by contacting Karolyn Kent, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.

A field citation was adopted regarding Federal Aviation Administration, Docket No. 2024-1480-PST-E on January 21, 2025 assessing $2,625 in administrative penalties. Information concerning any aspect of this citation may be obtained by contacting Adriana Fuentes, Enforcement Coordinator at (512) 239-2545, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Notice of an Application to Amend a Certificate of Adjudication Application No. 13923

Notices Issued January 17, 2025

Cattlemen Solar Park II LLC seeks a temporary water use permit to divert and use not to exceed 19.25 acre-feet of water, within a period of 19 months, from a point on an unnamed tributary of the Brazos River, Brazos River Basin, at a maximum diversion rate of 2.67 cfs (1,200 gpm), for industrial purposes in Milam County. More information on the application and how to participate in the permitting process is given below.

The application was received on June 14, 2023, and partial fees were received on June 28, 2023. Additional information was received March 22, 2024, April 17, 2024, April 18, 2024, June 13, 2024, July 8, 2024, and July 17, 2024. Additional fees were received on July 15, 2024. The application was declared administratively complete and filed with the Office of the Chief Clerk on July 29, 2024.

The Executive Director completed the technical review of the application and prepared a draft permit. The draft permit, if granted, would include special conditions including, but not limited to streamflow restrictions. The application, technical memoranda, and Executive Director's draft permit are available for viewing on the TCEQ webpage at: at Alternatively, you may request a copy of the documents by contacting the TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk by phone at (512) 239-3300 or by mail at TCEQ OCC, Notice Team (MC-105), P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711.

Written public comments and requests for a public meeting should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, at the address provided in the information section below, by February 4, 2025. A public meeting is intended for the taking of public comment and is not a contested case hearing. A public meeting will be held if the Executive Director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application.

The TCEQ may grant a contested case hearing on this application if a written hearing request is filed by February 4, 2025. The Executive Director may approve the application unless a written request for a contested case hearing is filed by February 4, 2025.

To request a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number, and fax number, if any; (2) applicant's name and permit number; (3) the statement "[I/we] request a contested case hearing;" (4) a brief and specific description of how you would be affected by the application in a way not common to the general public; and (5) the location and distance of your property relative to the proposed activity. You may also submit proposed conditions for the requested permit which would satisfy your concerns. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address provided in the information section below.

If a hearing request is filed, the Executive Director will not issue the permit and will forward the application and hearing request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting.

Written hearing requests, public comments, or requests for a public meeting should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or electronically at by entering WRTP 13923 in the search field. For information concerning the hearing process, please contact the Public Interest Counsel, MC 103, at the same address.

For additional information, individual members of the general public may contact the Public Education Program at (800) 687-4040. General information regarding the TCEQ can be found at our web site at Si desea información en español, puede llamar al (800) 687-4040 o por el internet al


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Notice of District Petition - TCEQ Internal Control No. D-01022025-002

Notice issued January 22, 2025

TCEQ Internal Control No. D-01022025-002: M.W. Development, LLC, a Texas limited liability company (Petitioner) filed a petition for creation of Mineral Wells Municipal Management District No. 1 (District) with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The petition was filed pursuant to Article XVI, §59 of the Constitution of the State of Texas; Chapter 49 of the Texas Water Code; Chapter 375 of the Local Government Code; 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 293; and the procedural rules of the TCEQ. The petition states that: (1) the Petitioner holds title to a majority in value of the holders of title of the land within the proposed District; (2) there is one lienholder, DBC Wells Development, LLC, on the property to be included in the proposed District and information provided indicates that the aforementioned entity has consented to the petition; (3) the proposed District will contain approximately 115.503 acres located within Palo Pinto County, Texas, and (4) all of the land within the proposed District is within the corporate boundaries of the City of Mineral Wells, Texas.

By Resolution No. 2024-15, passed and adopted on October 1, 2024, the City of Mineral Wells, Texas, gave its consent to the creation of the proposed District, pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 375.022(c)(6). The petition further states that the purposes of and the general nature of the work proposed to be done by the proposed District shall be: (1) the purchase, design, construction, acquisition, maintenance, ownership, operation, repair, improvement and extension of a waterworks and sanitary sewer system for residential purposes; (2) the construction, acquisition, improvement, extension, maintenance and operation of works, improvements facilities, plants, equipment and appliances helpful or necessary to provide more adequate drainage; (3) to control, abate and amend local storm waters or other harmful excesses of waters; and (4) such other purchase, construction, acquisition, maintenance, ownership, operation, repair, improvement and extension of such additional facilities, including roads, systems, plants and enterprises as shall be consistent with all of the purposes for which the District is created. According to the petition, a preliminary investigation has been made to determine the cost of the project, and it is estimated by the Petitioner that the cost of said project will be approximately $27,750,000 ($15,855,000 for water, sewer, and drainage plus $11,895,000 for roads).


To view the complete issued notice, view the notice on our website at or call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 to obtain a copy of the complete notice. When searching the website, type in the issued date range shown at the top of this document to obtain search results. The TCEQ may grant a contested case hearing on the petition if a written hearing request is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of the notice. To request a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number, and fax number, if any; (2) the name of the Petitioner and the TCEQ Internal Control Number; (3) the statement "I/we request a contested case hearing"; (4) a brief description of how you would be affected by the petition in a way not common to the general public; and (5) the location of your property relative to the proposed District's boundaries. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the petition. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address provided in the information section below. The Executive Director may approve the petition unless a written request for a contested case hearing is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of this notice. If a hearing request is filed, the Executive Director will not approve the petition and will forward the petition and hearing request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. If a contested case hearing is held, it will be a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. Written hearing requests should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. For information concerning the hearing process, please contact the Public Interest Counsel, MC 103, at the same address. For additional information, individual members of the general public may contact the Districts Review Team, at (512) 239-4691. Si desea información en español, puede llamar al (512) 239-0200. General information regarding TCEQ can be found at our website at


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Notice of District Petition - TCEQ Internal Control No. D-12062024-014

Notice issued January 22, 2025

TCEQ Internal Control No. D-12062024-014: BGM Land Investments, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, (Petitioner) filed a petition for creation of Waller County Municipal Utility District No. 42 (District) of Waller County with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The petition was filed pursuant to Article XVI, §59 of the Constitution of the State of Texas; Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code; 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 293; and the procedural rules of the TCEQ.

The petition states that: (1) the Petitioner holds title to a majority in value of the land to be included in the proposed District; (2) there are no lienholders on the property to be included in the proposed District; (3) the proposed District will contain approximately 416.439 acres located within Waller County, Texas; and (4) all of the land within the proposed District is wholly within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Pattison.

By Ordinance No. 185-2024, passed, approved, and adopted on September 12, 2024, the City of Pattison, Texas, gave its consent to the creation of the proposed District, pursuant to Texas Water Code §54.016. The petition further states that the proposed District will: (1) purchase, construct, acquire, maintain, own, operate, repair, improve, and extend a waterworks and sanitary sewer system for residential and commercial purposes; (2) construct, acquire, improve, extend, maintain, and operate works, improvements, facilities, plants, equipment, and appliances helpful or necessary to provide more adequate drainage for the District; (3) control, abate, and amend local storm waters or other harmful excesses of water; and (4) purchase, construct, acquire, improve, maintain, and operate such additional facilities, systems, plants, enterprises, and road facilities, and park and recreational facilities as shall be consonant with all of the purposes for which the District is created. According to the petition, a preliminary investigation has been made to determine the cost of the project, and it is estimated by the Petitioners that the cost of said project will be approximately $104,025,000. The financial analysis in the application was based on an estimated $103,800,000 ($67,500,000 for water, wastewater, and drainage plus $10,800,000 for roads plus $25,500,000 for recreation) at the time of submittal.


To view the complete issued notice, view the notice on our website at or call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 to obtain a copy of the complete notice. When searching the website, type in the issued date range shown at the top of this document to obtain search results. The TCEQ may grant a contested case hearing on the petition if a written hearing request is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of the notice. To request a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number, and fax number, if any; (2) the name of the Petitioner and the TCEQ Internal Control Number; (3) the statement "I/we request a contested case hearing"; (4) a brief description of how you would be affected by the petition in a way not common to the general public; and (5) the location of your property relative to the proposed District's boundaries. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the petition. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address provided in the information section below. The Executive Director may approve the petition unless a written request for a contested case hearing is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of this notice. If a hearing request is filed, the Executive Director will not approve the petition and will forward the petition and hearing request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. If a contested case hearing is held, it will be a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. Written hearing requests should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. For information concerning the hearing process, please contact the Public Interest Counsel, MC 103, at the same address. For additional information, individual members of the general public may contact the Districts Review Team, at (512) 239-4691. Si desea información en español, puede llamar al (512) 239-0200. General information regarding TCEQ can be found at our website at


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Notice of District Petition - TCEQ Internal Control No. D-12182024-045

Notice issued January 22, 2025

TCEQ Internal Control No. D-12182024-045: Danny Lorberau and Tonya Lorberau, individually, and Lennar Homes of Texas Land and Construction, LTD., a Texas limited partnership, (Petitioners) filed a petition for creation of Sinton Ranch Municipal Utility District (District) with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The petition was filed pursuant to Article XVI, §59 of the Constitution of the State of Texas; Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code; 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 293; and the procedural rules of the TCEQ. The petition states that: (1) the Petitioners hold title to a majority in value of the land to be included in the proposed District; (2) there are no lienholders on the property to be included in the proposed District; (3) the proposed District will contain approximately 224.596 acres located within San Patricio County, Texas; and (4) all of the land within the proposed District is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Sinton. By Resolution No. 20240618-1, passed and approved on June 18, 2024, the City of Sinton, Texas, gave its consent to the creation of the proposed District, pursuant to Texas Water Code §54.016. The petition further states that the proposed District will design, construct, acquire, improve, extend, maintain, operate, convey, finance, and issue bonds for: (1) an adequate and efficient water works and sanitary sewer system for domestic purposes; (2) works, improvements, facilities, plants, equipment, and appliances helpful or necessary to provide more adequate drainage for the proposed District, and to control, abate, and amend local storm waters or other harmful excesses of waters; (3) roads and improvements in aid of roads; and (4) such other additional facilities, systems, plants, enterprises, as may be consistent with any or all the purposes for which the proposed District is created. Additionally, the Petitioners request that the proposed District be granted the power, under the authority of Article III, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution, as amended, to design, acquire, construct, finance, issue bonds for, and convey to the State, a county, or a municipality for operation and maintenance for one or more roads, or any improvement in aid of such roads, pursuant to Section 54.234 of the Texas Water Code, as amended. The proposed District is also requesting approval of a fire protection plan pursuant to Section 49.351 of the Texas Water Code

According to the petition, a preliminary investigation has been made to determine the cost of the project, and it is estimated by the Petitioners that the cost of said project will be approximately $45,790,000 ($36,510,000 for water, wastewater, and drainage and $9,280,000 for roads).


To view the complete issued notice, view the notice on our website at or call the Office of the Chief Clerk at (512) 239-3300 to obtain a copy of the complete notice. When searching the website, type in the issued date range shown at the top of this document to obtain search results. The TCEQ may grant a contested case hearing on the petition if a written hearing request is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of the notice. To request a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number, and fax number, if any; (2) the name of the Petitioner and the TCEQ Internal Control Number; (3) the statement "I/we request a contested case hearing"; (4) a brief description of how you would be affected by the petition in a way not common to the general public; and (5) the location of your property relative to the proposed District's boundaries. You may also submit your proposed adjustments to the petition. Requests for a contested case hearing must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Chief Clerk at the address provided in the information section below. The Executive Director may approve the petition unless a written request for a contested case hearing is filed within 30 days after the newspaper publication of this notice. If a hearing request is filed, the Executive Director will not approve the petition and will forward the petition and hearing request to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. If a contested case hearing is held, it will be a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. Written hearing requests should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. For information concerning the hearing process, please contact the Public Interest Counsel, MC 103, at the same address. For additional information, individual members of the general public may contact the Districts Review Team, at (512) 239-4691. Si desea información en español, puede llamar al (512) 239-0200. General information regarding TCEQ can be found at our website at


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Notice of Opportunity to Comment on a Default Order of Administrative Enforcement Actions

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or commission) staff is providing an opportunity for written public comment on the listed Default Order (DO). The commission staff proposes a DO when the staff has sent the Executive Director's Preliminary Report and Petition (EDPRP) to an entity outlining the alleged violations; the proposed penalty; the proposed technical requirements necessary to bring the entity back into compliance; and the entity fails to request a hearing on the matter within 20 days of its receipt of the EDPRP or requests a hearing and fails to participate at the hearing. Similar to the procedure followed with respect to Agreed Orders entered into by the executive director of the commission, in accordance with Texas Water Code (TWC), §7.075, this notice of the proposed order and the opportunity to comment is published in the Texas Register no later than the 30th day before the date on which the public comment period closes, which in this case is March 4, 2025. The commission will consider any written comments received, and the commission may withdraw or withhold approval of a DO if a comment discloses facts or considerations that indicate that consent to the proposed DO is inappropriate, improper, inadequate, or inconsistent with the requirements of the statutes and rules within the commission's jurisdiction, or the commission's orders and permits issued in accordance with the commission's regulatory authority. Additional notice of changes to a proposed DO is not required to be published if those changes are made in response to written comments.

A copy of the proposed DO is available for public inspection at both the commission's central office, located at 12100 Park 35 Circle, Building A, 3rd Floor, Austin, Texas 78753, (512) 239-3400 and at the applicable regional office listed as follows. Written comments about the DO should be sent to the attorney designated for the DO at the commission's central office at P.O. Box 13087, MC 175, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on March 4, 2025. The commission's attorney is available to discuss the DO and/or the comment procedure at the listed phone number; however, TWC, §7.075, provides that comments on the DO shall be submitted to the commission in writing.

(1) COMPANY: City of Cuney; DOCKET NUMBER: 2022-0021-MWD-E; TCEQ ID NUMBER: RN101609469; LOCATION: 495 County Road 3314, Cuney, Cherokee County; TYPE OF FACILITY: wastewater treatment facility; RULES VIOLATED: TWC, §26.121(a)(1), 30 TAC §305.125(1), Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Permit Number WQ0013728002, Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements Number 1, by failing to comply with permitted effluent limitations; 30 TAC §305.125(1) and (17) and §319.7(d), and TPDES Permit Number WQ0013728002, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Number 1, by failing to submit monitoring results at intervals specified in the permit; and TWC, §26.121(a)(1) and 30 TAC §305.65 and §305.125(2), by failing to maintain authorization to discharge wastewater into or adjacent to any water in the state; PENALTY: $33,150; STAFF ATTORNEY: William Hogan, Litigation, MC 175, (512) 239-5918; REGIONAL OFFICE: Tyler Regional Office, 2916 Teague Drive, Tyler, Texas 75701-3734, (903) 535-5100.


Gitanjali Yadav

Deputy Director, Litigation

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Public Hearing on Assessment of Administrative Penalties and Requiring Certain Actions of Francisco Rojas dba Galaxy Tires SOAH Docket No. 582-25-09795 TCEQ Docket No. 2021-1448-MSW-E

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or the Commission) has referred this matter to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). An Administrative Law Judge with the State Office of Administrative Hearings will conduct a public hearing via Zoom videoconference:

10:00 a.m. - February 13, 2025

To join the Zoom meeting via computer or smart device:

Meeting ID: 161 984 0712

Password: TCEQDC1


To join the Zoom meeting via telephone dial:

+1 (669) 254-5252

Meeting ID: 161 984 0712

Password: 5247869

The purpose of the hearing will be to consider the Executive Director's Preliminary Report and Petition mailed January 30, 2024 concerning assessing administrative penalties against and requiring certain actions of Francisco Rojas dba Galaxy Tires, for violations in Dallas County, Texas, of: Tex. Health & Safety Code §36.112(a) and 30 Texas Administrative Code §§328.56(a)(1), (b), (c), (d)(2), (d)(3) and (d)(4), 328.57(c)(1), 328.59(b)(1), and 328.60(a).

The hearing will allow Francisco Rojas dba Galaxy Tires, the Executive Director, and the Commission's Public Interest Counsel to present evidence on whether a violation has occurred, whether an administrative penalty should be assessed, and the amount of such penalty, if any. The first convened session of the hearing will be to establish jurisdiction, afford Francisco Rojas dba Galaxy Tires, the Executive Director of the Commission, and the Commission's Public Interest Counsel an opportunity to negotiate and to establish a discovery and procedural schedule for an evidentiary hearing. Unless agreed to by all parties in attendance at the preliminary hearing, an evidentiary hearing will not be held on the date of this preliminary hearing. Upon failure of Francisco Rojas dba Galaxy Tires to appear at the preliminary hearing or evidentiary hearing, the factual allegations in the notice will be deemed admitted as true, and the relief sought in the notice of hearing may be granted by default. The specific allegations included in the notice are those set forth in the Executive Director's Preliminary Report and Petition, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. Francisco Rojas dba Galaxy Tires, the Executive Director of the Commission, and the Commission's Public Interest Counsel are the only designated parties to this proceeding.

Legal Authority: Tex. Water Code §7.054, Tex. Water Code ch. 7, Tex. Health & Safety Code ch. 361, and 30 Texas Administrative Code chs. 70 and 328; Tex. Water Code §7.058, and the Rules of Procedure of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State Office of Administrative Hearings, including 30 Texas Administrative Code §§70.108 and 70.109 and ch. 80, and 1 Texas Administrative Code ch. 155.

Further information regarding this hearing may be obtained by contacting Georgette Oden, Staff Attorney, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Litigation Division, Mail Code 175, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, telephone (512) 239-3400. Information concerning your participation in this hearing may be obtained by contacting Sheldon Wayne, Staff Attorney, Office of Public Interest Counsel, Mail Code 103, at the same P.O. Box address given above, or by telephone at (512) 239-6363.

Any document filed prior to the hearing must be filed with TCEQ's Office of the Chief Clerk and SOAH. Documents filed with the Office of the Chief Clerk may be filed electronically at or sent to the following address: TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk, Mail Code 105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Documents filed with SOAH may be filed via fax at (512) 322-2061 or sent to the following address: SOAH, 300 West 15th Street, Suite 504, Austin, Texas 78701. When contacting the Commission or SOAH regarding this matter, reference the SOAH docket number given at the top of this notice.

In accordance with 1 Texas Administrative Code §155.401(a), Notice of Hearing, "Parties that are not represented by an attorney may obtain information regarding contested case hearings on the public website of the State Office of Administrative Hearings at, or in printed format upon request to SOAH."

Persons who need special accommodations at the hearing should call the SOAH Docketing Department at (512) 475-3445, at least one week before the hearing.

Issued: January 16, 2025


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Notice of Public Hearing on Assessment of Administrative Penalties and Requiring Certain Actions of Melissa Mcwhirter-Wiley SOAH Docket No. 582-25-09794 TCEQ Docket No. 2024-0111-WQ-E

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ or the Commission) has referred this matter to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). An Administrative Law Judge with the State Office of Administrative Hearings will conduct a public hearing via Zoom videoconference:

10:00 a.m.- February 13, 2025

To join the Zoom meeting via computer or smart device:

Meeting ID: 161 984 0712

Password: TCEQDC1


To join the Zoom meeting via telephone dial:

+1 (669) 254-5252

Meeting ID: 161 984 0712

Password: 5247869

The purpose of the hearing will be to consider the Executive Director's Preliminary Report and Petition mailed June 13, 2024 concerning assessing administrative penalties against and requiring certain actions of Melissa McWhirter-Wiley, for violations in Hunt County, Texas, of: Tex. Water Code §26.121(a)(2), 30 Texas Administrative Code §281.25(a)(4), and 40 Code of Federal Regulations §122.26(c).

The hearing will allow Melissa McWhirter-Wiley, the Executive Director, and the Commission's Public Interest Counsel to present evidence on whether a violation has occurred, whether an administrative penalty should be assessed, and the amount of such penalty, if any. The first convened session of the hearing will be to establish jurisdiction, afford Melissa McWhirter-Wiley, the Executive Director of the Commission, and the Commission's Public Interest Counsel an opportunity to negotiate and to establish a discovery and procedural schedule for an evidentiary hearing. Unless agreed to by all parties in attendance at the preliminary hearing, an evidentiary hearing will not be held on the date of this preliminary hearing.

Upon failure of Melissa McWhirter-Wiley to appear at the preliminary hearing or evidentiary hearing, the factual allegations in the notice will be deemed admitted as true, and the relief sought in the notice of hearing may be granted by default. The specific allegations included in the notice are those set forth in the Executive Director's Preliminary Report and Petition, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. Melissa McWhirter-Wiley, the Executive Director of the Commission, and the Commission's Public Interest Counsel are the only designated parties to this proceeding.

Legal Authority: Tex. Water Code § 7.054 and chs. 7 and 26 and 30 Texas Administrative Code chs. 70 and 281; Tex. Water Code §7.058, and the Rules of Procedure of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the State Office of Administrative Hearings, including 30 Texas Administrative Code §§70.108 and 70.109 and ch. 80, and 1 Texas Administrative Code ch. 155.

Further information regarding this hearing may be obtained by contacting Taylor Pearson, Staff Attorney, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Litigation Division, Mail Code 175, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, telephone (512) 239-3400. Information concerning your participation in this hearing may be obtained by contacting Sheldon Wayne, Staff Attorney, Office of Public Interest Counsel, Mail Code 103, at the same P. O. Box address given above, or by telephone at (512) 239-6363.

Any document filed prior to the hearing must be filed with TCEQ's Office of the Chief Clerk and SOAH. Documents filed with the Office of the Chief Clerk may be filed electronically at or sent to the following address: TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk, Mail Code 105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Documents filed with SOAH may be filed via fax at (512) 322-2061 or sent to the following address: SOAH, 300 West 15th Street, Suite 504, Austin, Texas 78701. When contacting the Commission or SOAH regarding this matter, reference the SOAH docket number given at the top of this notice.

In accordance with 1 Texas Administrative Code §155.401(a), Notice of Hearing, "Parties that are not represented by an attorney may obtain information regarding contested case hearings on the public website of the State Office of Administrative Hearings at, or in printed format upon request to SOAH."

Persons who need special accommodations at the hearing should call the SOAH Docketing Department at (512) 475-3445, at least one week before the hearing.

Issued: January 16, 2025


Laurie Gharis

Chief Clerk

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Filed: January 22, 2025

Office of the Governor

Notice of Available Funding Opportunities

Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office (PSO)

The Public Safety Office is announcing the following funding opportunities for State Fiscal Year 2026. Details for these opportunities, including the open and close date for the solicitation, can be found on the eGrants Calendar (

- Border Prosecution Unit (BPU) - The purpose of this announcement is to solicit applications or projects that prosecute border crimes during state fiscal years 2026 and 2027. The purpose of this solicitation is to provide prosecution resources for District and County Attorneys along the Texas-Mexico border and for counties that are significantly affected by border crime.

- Border Zone Fire Department - The purpose of this announcement is to solicit applications from professional fire departments along the Texas-Mexico border region for specialized equipment, maintenance, and medical supplies to support emergency services associated with the execution of border security activities. associated with deterring crimes occurring in the geographic area defined in Article IX, Section 7.10 of the General Appropriations Act.

- Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) - The purpose of this announcement is to solicit applications for projects that support physical security enhancements and other security activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack based on the nonprofit organization's ideology, beliefs or mission. The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack with broader state and local preparedness efforts. The NSGP also serves to promote emergency preparedness coordination and collaboration activities between public and private entities.

- Operation Lone Star (OLS) Grant Program - The purpose of this announcement is to solicit applications that enhance interagency border security operations supporting Operation Lone Star including the facilitation of directed actions to deter and interdict criminal activity.

- Texas Anti-Grant (TAG) Program - The purpose of this announcement is to solicit applications for preselected projects that support regional, multidisciplinary approaches to combat gang violence through the coordination of gang prevention, intervention, and suppression activities.


Angie Martin


Office of the Governor

Filed: January 15, 2025

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Updates to Medicaid Payment Rates for Calendar Fee Review, Medical Policy Reviews, and Annual HCPCS Updates

Hearing. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing on February 14th, 2025, at 9:00 a.m., to receive public comments on proposed updates to Calendar Fee Review, Medical Policy Reviews, and Annual HCPCS Updates.

This hearing will be conducted as an in-person and online event. To join the hearing from your computer, tablet, or smartphone, register for the hearing in advance using the following link:

Registration URL:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Instructions for dialing-in by phone will be provided after you register.

Members of the public may attend the rate hearing in person, which will be held in the Public Hearing Room 1.401, 1.402, 1.403 & 1.404 in the North Austin Complex located at 4601 W Guadalupe Street, Austin, Texas, or they may access a live stream of the meeting at For the live stream, select the "North Austin Complex Live" tab. A recording of the hearing will be archived and accessible on demand at under the "Archived" tab. The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code section 32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.

Any updates to the hearing details will be posted on the HHSC website at

Proposal. The effective date of the proposed payment rates for the topics presented during the rate hearing will be as follows:

Effective January 01, 2025

Medical Policy Review:

- End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Drug- J0879

Annual HCPCS Updates:

- Physician Administered Drugs- Type of Service (TOS) 1 (Medical Services);

- Non-Drugs- TOS 1;

- Surgery Services- TOS 2 (Surgery Services), and TOS 8 (Assistant Surgery);

- Radiological Services - TOS 4 (Radiology), TOS I (Professional Component), and TOS T (Technical Component);

- Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Services - TOS 5 (Laboratory);

- Radiation Therapy- TOS 6 (Radiation Therapy), TOS I (Professional Component), TOS T (Technical Component); and

- Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies - TOS 9 (Other Medical Items or Services), TOS J (DME Purchase-New), and TOS L (DME Rental-Monthly)

Effective March 01, 2025

Medical Policy Review:

- Title V MCH FFS Program Additions: 86593 & J0561

Effective April 01, 2025

Calendar Fee Review:

- Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs)

Medical Policy Review:

- Wound Care: Q Codes

- SB 1921- Wound Care Education

Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code:

Section 355.8023, Reimbursement Methodology for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS);

Section 355.8085, Reimbursement Methodology for Physicians and Other Practitioners;

Section 355.8441, Reimbursement Methodologies for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Services (also known as Texas Health Steps);

Section 355.8561, Billing (Reimbursement Methodology for the Medical Transportation Program);

Section 355.8581, Reimbursement Methodology for Family Planning Services;

Section 355.8610, Reimbursement for Clinical Laboratory Services;

Section 355.8620, Reimbursement Methodology for Services provided in Indian Health Service and Tribal facilities; and

Section 355.8641, Reimbursement Methodology for the Women's Health Program

Rate Hearing Packet. A briefing packet describing the proposed payment rates will be made available at on or before January 31, 2025. Interested parties may obtain a copy of the briefing packet on or after that date by contacting Provider Finance by telephone at (512) 730-7401; by fax at (512) 730-7475; or by e-mail at

Written Comments. Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted in lieu of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5:00 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Provider Finance, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030; by fax to Provider Finance at (512) 730-7475; or by e-mail to In addition, written comments may be sent by overnight mail to Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Provider Finance, Mail Code H-400, North Austin Complex, 4601 Guadalupe St., Austin, Texas 78751.

Preferred Communication. For quickest response please use e-mail or phone if possible for communication with HHSC related to this rate hearing.

Persons with disabilities who wish to participate in the hearing and require auxiliary aids or services should contact Provider Finance at (512) 730-7401 at least 72 hours before the hearing so appropriate arrangements can be made.


Karen Ray

Chief Counsel

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Filed: January 22, 2025

Department of State Health Services

Licensing Actions for Radioactive Materials (.pdf)


Cynthia Hernandez

General Counsel

Department of State Health Services

Filed: January 22, 2025

Texas Department of Insurance

Company Licensing

Application for incorporation in the state of Texas for The Homeowners Reciprocal Exchange, a domestic reciprocal. The home office is in Houston, Texas.

Any objections must be filed with the Texas Department of Insurance, within twenty (20) calendar days from the date of the Texas Register publication, addressed to the attention of Andrew Guerrero, 1601 Congress Ave., Suite 6.900, Austin, Texas 78711.


Justin Beam

Chief Clerk

Texas Department of Insurance

Filed: January 15, 2025

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Notice of Vacancies on Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces three vacancies on the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors Advisory Board (Board) established by Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1302. The purpose of the Board is to provide advice and recommendations to the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) in adopting rules, administering, and enforcing the Occupations Code covering Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, and setting fees. Service as a Board member is voluntary, and compensation is not authorized by law. This announcement is for:

- building contractor who is principally engaged in home construction and is a member of a statewide building trade association;

- official of a municipality with a population greater than 250,000; and

- any class licensed contractor AS general contractors d/b/a refrigeration express.

The Board consists of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the approval of the Commission. At least one appointed Board member must be an air conditioning and refrigeration contractor who employs organized labor. The executive director of the Department and the chief administrator of Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1302 serve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the Board. Members serve staggered six-year terms with the terms of two appointed members expiring on February 1 of each odd-numbered year. The Board is composed of the following members:

1. one official of a municipality with a population of more than 250,000;

2. one official of a municipality with a population of not more than 250,000;

3. five full-time licensed air conditioning and refrigeration contractors meeting the following requirements:

- one member who holds a Class A license and practices in a municipality with a population of more than 250,000;

- one member who holds a Class B license and practices in a municipality with a population of more than 250,000;

- one member who holds a Class A license and practices in a municipality with a population of more than 25,000 but not more than 250,000;

- one member who holds a Class B license and practices in a municipality with a population of not more than 25,000; and

- one member who holds a license of any classification under this chapter, is principally engaged in air conditioning and refrigeration contracting, and practices in a municipality;

4. one building contractor who is principally engaged in home construction and is a member of a statewide building trade association; and

5. one public member.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application from the Department by e-mail to

These are not paid positions and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Board.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancies on Board of Boiler Rules

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces two vacancies on the Board of Boiler Rules (Board) established by 16 Texas Administrative Code §110.14. The purpose of the Board of Boiler Rules is to provide advice and recommendations to the commission in the adoption of definitions and rules relating to the safe construction, installation, inspection, operating limits, alteration, and repair of boilers and appurtenances. This announcement is for:

- one member representing person who owns or uses boilers in this state; and

- one member representing a labor union.

The Board is composed of eleven members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the approval of the Commission. Members serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of two or three members expiring on January 31 of each odd-numbered year. The Board is composed of the following members:

1. three members representing persons who own or use boilers in this state;

2. three members representing companies that insure boilers in this state;

3. one member representing boiler manufacturers or installers;

4. one member representing organizations that repair or alter boilers in this state;

5. one member representing a labor union; and

6. two public members.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application via e-mail at

This is not a paid position and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Board.

Issued in Austin, Texas this January 31, 2025.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancies on Code Enforcement Officers Advisory Committee

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces three vacancies on the Code Enforcement Officers Advisory Committee (Committee) established by 16 Texas Administrative Code §62.65. The purpose of the Code Enforcement Officers Advisory Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the Department on technical matters relevant to the administration of this chapter. This announcement is for:

- one registered code enforcement officer;

- one consumer, of which is a certified building official; and

- one structural engineer or licensed architect.

The Committee is composed of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the approval of the Commission. Members serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of three members expiring on February 1 of each odd-numbered year. The Committee is composed of the following members:

(1) five registered code enforcement officers;

(2) one structural engineer or licensed architect;

(3) two consumers, one of which must be a certified building official; and

(4) one person involved in the education and training of code enforcement officers.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application via e-mail at

This is not a paid position and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Committee.

Issued in Austin, Texas this January 31, 2025.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancies on Hearing Instrument Fitters and Dispensers Advisory Board

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces four vacancies on the Hearing Instrument Fitters and Dispensers Advisory Board (Board) established by 16 Texas Administrative Code §112.10. The purpose of the Hearing Instrument Fitters and Dispensers Advisory Board is to provide advice and recommendations to the Department on technical matters relevant to the administration of this chapter. This announcement is for:

- one member who is actively practicing as a physician licensed by the Texas Medical Board and who:

(A) is a citizen of the United States; and

(B) specializes in the practice of otolaryngology;

- two members who have engaged in fitting and dispensing hearing instruments for at least five years preceding appointment, not more than one of whom may be licensed under Chapter 401;

- one public member.

The Board is composed of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the approval of the Commission. Members serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of three members expiring on February 1 of each odd-numbered year. The Board is composed of the following members:

1. six members licensed under this chapter who have been engaged in fitting and dispensing hearing instruments for at least five years preceding appointment, not more than one of whom may be licensed under Chapter 401;

2. one member who is actively practicing as a physician licensed by the Texas Medical Board and who:

(A) is a citizen of the United States; and

(B) specializes in the practice of otolaryngology; and

3. two members of the public.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application via e-mail at

This is not a paid position and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Board.

Issued in Austin, Texas this January 31, 2025.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancies on Midwives Advisory Board

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces three vacancies on the Midwives Advisory Board (Board) established by Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 203. The pertinent rules may be found in 16 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 55. The purpose of the Midwives Advisory Board is to provide advice and recommendations to the Department on technical matters relevant to the administration of this chapter. This announcement is for:

- three midwives.

The Board consists of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission), with the approval of the Commission. Members serve staggered terms of six years. The terms of three members expire on January 31 of each odd-numbered year. The Board consists of the following members:

1. five licensed midwives each of whom has at least three years' experience in the practice of midwifery;

2. one physician who is certified by a national professional organization of physicians that certifies obstetricians and gynecologists;

3. one physician who is certified by a national professional organization of physicians that certifies family practitioners or pediatricians; and

4. two members who represent the public and who are not practicing or trained in a health care profession, one of whom is a parent with at least one child born with the assistance of a midwife.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application via e-mail at

These are not paid positions and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Board.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancies on the Elevator Advisory Board

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces two vacancies on the Elevator Advisory Board (Board) established by Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 754, Sections 754.012 and 754.013. The pertinent rules may be found in 16 Texas Administrative Code §74.65. The purpose of the Board is to protect public safety and to identify and correct potential hazards, the board shall advise the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) on the adoption of appropriate standards for the installation, maintenance, alteration, operation, testing and inspection of equipment; the status of equipment used by the public in this state; sources of information relating to equipment safety; public awareness programs related to elevator safety, including programs for sellers and buyers of single-family dwellings with elevators, chairlifts, or platform lifts; and any other matter considered relevant by the Commission. This advisory board announcement is for:

- one representative of owners or managers of a building having six stories or more and having equipment; and

- one representative of independent equipment maintenance companies.

Members serve staggered three-year terms with two regulated industry positions and two consumer positions expiring in each of the first, second, and third years and one consumer position expiring in the third year. Terms shall expire November 1 of the third year of the member's term. The Board is composed of the following nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the Commission's approval:

1. a representative of the insurance industry or a certified elevator inspector;

2. a representative of equipment constructors;

3. a representative of owners or managers of a building having fewer than six stories and having equipment;

4. a representative of owners or managers of a building having six stories or more and having equipment;

5. a representative of independent equipment maintenance companies;

6. a representative of equipment manufacturers;

7. a licensed or registered engineer or architect;

8. a public member; and

9. a public member with a physical disability.

Interested persons should complete an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request a paper application from the Department by e-mail at

These are not paid position and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Board.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancy on Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces one vacancy on the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers (Board) established by Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 451. The pertinent rules may be found in 16 Texas Administrative Code §110.14. The purpose of the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers is to provide advice and recommendations to the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) and the Department on technical matters relevant to the administration of this chapter. Service as a Board member is voluntary, and compensation is not authorized by law. This announcement is for:

- one athletic trainer.

The Board is composed of five members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the approval of the Commission. Members serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of two or three members expiring on January 31 of each odd-numbered year. The Board is composed of the following members:

- three members who are athletic trainers; and

- two members who represent the public.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application e-mail

This is not a paid position and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Board.

Issued in Austin, Texas this January 31, 2025.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancy on Combative Sports Advisory Board

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces one vacancy on the Combative Sports Advisory Board (Board) established by 16 Texas Administrative Code §61.120. The purpose of the Combative Sports Advisory Board is to provide advice and recommendations to the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) and the Department on the health and safety of contestants and other matters relevant to the administration and enforcement of this Chapter. This announcement is for:

- one representative of a mixed martial arts promoter.

The Board is composed of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the approval of the Commission. Members serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of two or three members expiring on February 1 of each odd-numbered year. The Board is composed of the following members:

(1) four physicians;

(2) one representative of a boxing promoter;

(3) one representative of a mixed martial arts promoter;

(4) one combative sports referee or judge licensed at least three years;

(5) one former combative sports contestant; and

(6) one public member.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application from the Department by telephone (800) 803-9202 or e-mail

These are not paid positions and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the Board.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Notice of Vacancy on Licensed Breeders Advisory Committee

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (Department) announces a vacancy on the Licensed Breeders Advisory Committee (Committee) established by Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 802. The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation (Commission) and the Department on matters related to the administration and enforcement of Chapter 802, including licensing fees and standards adopted under Subchapter E. This announcement is for:

- one licensed breeder.

The Committee is composed of nine members appointed by the presiding officer of the Commission, with the Commission's approval. Members of the committee serve staggered four-year terms. The terms of four or five members expire on February 1 of each odd-numbered year.

The committee consists of the following members:

1. two members who are licensed breeders;

2. two members who are veterinarians;

3. two members who represent animal welfare organizations, each of which has an office based in this state;

4. two members who represent the public; and

5. one member who is an animal control officer as defined in Section 829.001, Health and Safety Code.

Interested persons should submit an application on the Department website at: Applicants can also request an application via e-mail at

These are not paid positions and there is no compensation or reimbursement for serving on the board.


Courtney Arbour

Executive Director

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Filed: January 21, 2025

Texas Lottery Commission

Scratch Ticket Game Number 2652 "BONUS MONEY"

1.0 Name and Style of Scratch Ticket Game.

A. The name of Scratch Ticket Game No. 2652 is "BONUS MONEY". The play style is "other".

1.1 Price of Scratch Ticket Game.

A. The price for Scratch Ticket Game No. 2652 shall be $10.00 per Scratch Ticket.

1.2 Definitions in Scratch Ticket Game No. 2652.

A. Display Printing - That area of the Scratch Ticket outside of the area where the overprint and Play Symbols appear.

B. Latex Overprint - The removable scratch-off covering over the Play Symbols on the front of the Scratch Ticket.

C. Play Symbol - The printed data under the latex on the front of the Scratch Ticket that is used to determine eligibility for a prize. Each Play Symbol is printed in Symbol font in black ink in positive except for dual-image games. The possible black Play Symbols are: 5X SYMBOL, 10X SYMBOL, HEART SYMBOL, DIAMOND SYMBOL, TREASURE CHEST SYMBOL, HORSESHOE SYMBOL, PIGGY BANK SYMBOL, DICE SYMBOL, STACK OF CASH SYMBOL, COIN SYMBOL, SAILBOAT SYMBOL, POT OF GOLD SYMBOL, WATERMELON SYMBOL, LADYBUG SYMBOL, LEMON SYMBOL, SUN SYMBOL, CHERRY SYMBOL, CLUB SYMBOL, BELL SYMBOL, PINEAPPLE SYMBOL, ANCHOR SYMBOL, MOON SYMBOL, RAINBOW SYMBOL, LIGHTNING BOLT SYMBOL, CROWN SYMBOL, UMBRELLA SYMBOL, RING SYMBOL, KEY SYMBOL, HAT SYMBOL, BOOT SYMBOL, CACTUS SYMBOL, TROPHY SYMBOL, $10.00, $20.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100, $200, $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $250,000.

D. Play Symbol Caption- The printed material appearing below each Play Symbol which explains the Play Symbol. One caption appears under each Play Symbol and is printed in caption font in black ink in positive. The Play Symbol Caption which corresponds with and verifies each Play Symbol is as follows:

Figure 1: TAC GAME NO. 2652 - 1.2D (.pdf)

E. Serial Number- A unique thirteen (13) digit number appearing under the latex scratch-off covering on the front of the Scratch Ticket. The Serial Number is for validation purposes and cannot be used to play the game. The format will be: 0000000000000.

F. Bar Code - A twenty-four (24) character interleaved two (2) of five (5) Bar Code which will include a four (4) digit game ID, the seven (7) digit Pack number, the three (3) digit Ticket number and the ten (10) digit Validation Number. The Bar Code appears on the back of the Scratch Ticket.

G. Game-Pack-Ticket Number - A fourteen (14) digit number consisting of the four (4) digit game number (2652), a seven (7) digit Pack number, and a three (3) digit Ticket number. Ticket numbers start with 001 and end with 050 within each Pack. The format will be: 2652-0000001-001.

H. Pack - A Pack of the "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game contains 050 Tickets, packed in plastic shrink-wrapping and fanfolded in pages of one (1). The back of Ticket 001 will be shown on the front of the Pack; the back of Ticket 050 will be revealed on the back of the Pack. All Packs will be tightly shrink-wrapped. There will be no breaks between the Tickets in a Pack.

I. Non-Winning Scratch Ticket - A Scratch Ticket which is not programmed to be a winning Scratch Ticket or a Scratch Ticket that does not meet all of the requirements of these Game Procedures, the State Lottery Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 466), and applicable rules adopted by the Texas Lottery pursuant to the State Lottery Act and referenced in 16 TAC, Chapter 401.

J. Scratch Ticket Game, Scratch Ticket or Ticket - Texas Lottery "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game No. 2652.

2.0 Determination of Prize Winners. The determination of prize winners is subject to the general Scratch Ticket validation requirements set forth in Texas Lottery Rule 401.302, Scratch Ticket Game Rules, these Game Procedures, and the requirements set out on the back of each Scratch Ticket. A prize winner in the "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game is determined once the latex on the Scratch Ticket is scratched off to expose thirty-six (36) Play Symbols. If a player reveals 2 matching Play Symbols in the same BONUS play area, the player wins the prize for that BONUS. If a player reveals 2 "5X" Play Symbols in the same BONUS play area, the player wins 5 TIMES the prize for that BONUS. If a player reveals 2 "10X" Play Symbols in the same BONUS play area, the player wins 10 TIMES the prize for that BONUS. EACH BONUS IS PLAYED SEPARATELY. No portion of the Display Printing nor any extraneous matter whatsoever shall be usable or playable as a part of the Scratch Ticket.

2.1 Scratch Ticket Validation Requirements.

A. To be a valid Scratch Ticket, all of the following requirements must be met:

1. Exactly thirty-six (36) Play Symbols must appear under the Latex Overprint on the front portion of the Scratch Ticket;

2. Each of the Play Symbols must have a Play Symbol Caption underneath, unless specified, and each Play Symbol must agree with its Play Symbol Caption;

3. Each of the Play Symbols must be present in its entirety and be fully legible;

4. Each of the Play Symbols must be printed in black ink except for dual image games;

5. The Scratch Ticket shall be intact;

6. The Serial Number and Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be present in their entirety and be fully legible;

7. The Serial Number must correspond, using the Texas Lottery's codes, to the Play Symbols on the Scratch Ticket;

8. The Scratch Ticket must not have a hole punched through it, be mutilated, altered, unreadable, reconstituted or tampered with in any manner;

9. The Scratch Ticket must not be counterfeit in whole or in part;

10. The Scratch Ticket must have been issued by the Texas Lottery in an authorized manner;

11. The Scratch Ticket must not have been stolen, nor appear on any list of omitted Scratch Tickets or non-activated Scratch Tickets on file at the Texas Lottery;

12. The Play Symbols, Serial Number and Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be right side up and not reversed in any manner;

13. The Scratch Ticket must be complete and not miscut, and have exactly thirty-six (36) Play Symbols under the Latex Overprint on the front portion of the Scratch Ticket, exactly one Serial Number and exactly one Game-Pack-Ticket Number on the Scratch Ticket;

14. The Serial Number of an apparent winning Scratch Ticket shall correspond with the Texas Lottery's Serial Numbers for winning Scratch Tickets, and a Scratch Ticket with that Serial Number shall not have been paid previously;

15. The Scratch Ticket must not be blank or partially blank, misregistered, defective or printed or produced in error;

16. Each of the thirty-six (36) Play Symbols must be exactly one of those described in Section 1.2.C of these Game Procedures;

17. Each of the thirty-six (36) Play Symbols on the Scratch Ticket must be printed in the Symbol font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; the Scratch Ticket Serial Numbers must be printed in the Serial font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; and the Game-Pack-Ticket Number must be printed in the Game-Pack-Ticket Number font and must correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery;

18. The Display Printing on the Scratch Ticket must be regular in every respect and correspond precisely to the artwork on file at the Texas Lottery; and

19. The Scratch Ticket must have been received by the Texas Lottery by applicable deadlines.

B. The Scratch Ticket must pass all additional validation tests provided for in these Game Procedures, the Texas Lottery's Rules governing the award of prizes of the amount to be validated, and any confidential validation and security tests of the Texas Lottery.

C. Any Scratch Ticket not passing all of the validation requirements is void and ineligible for any prize and shall not be paid. However, the Executive Director may, solely at the Executive Director's discretion, refund the retail sales price of the Scratch Ticket. In the event a defective Scratch Ticket is purchased, the only responsibility or liability of the Texas Lottery shall be to replace the defective Scratch Ticket with another unplayed Scratch Ticket in that Scratch Ticket Game (or a Scratch Ticket of equivalent sales price from any other current Texas Lottery Scratch Ticket Game) or refund the retail sales price of the Scratch Ticket, solely at the Executive Director's discretion.

2.2 Programmed Game Parameters.

A. Consecutive Non-Winning Tickets within a Pack will not have matching patterns, in the same order, of either Play Symbols or Prize Symbols.

B. A Ticket can win as indicated by the prize structure.

C. A Ticket can win up to twelve (12) times.

D. On winning and Non-Winning Tickets, the top cash prizes of $1,000, $5,000 and $250,000 will each appear at least one (1) time, except on Tickets winning ten (10) times or more.

E. On all Tickets, a Prize Symbol will not appear more than three (3) times across all BONUS play areas, except as required by the prize structure to create multiple wins.

F. Non-winning Prize Symbols will not match a winning Prize Symbol on a Ticket across all BONUS play areas.

G. A Ticket can win up to one (1) time in each of the twelve (12) BONUS play areas.

H. Each BONUS play area consists of two (2) Play Symbols and one (1) Prize Symbol. Each Ticket consists of twelve (12) BONUS play areas for a total of twenty-four (24) Play Symbols and twelve (12) Prize Symbols on each Ticket.

I. Winning Tickets will contain two (2) matching Play Symbols in the same BONUS play area or two (2) "5X" (WINX5) or two (2) "10X" (WINX10) Play Symbols in the same BONUS play area.

J. On Tickets winning more than one (1) time, winning combinations across the twelve (12) BONUS play areas will use different pairs of matching Play Symbols.

K. On Non-Winning Tickets, a Play Symbol will not appear more than one (1) time.

L. On winning Tickets, a Play Symbol will not appear more than two (2) times. Matching Play Symbols will only appear in a winning BONUS play area.

M. Non-winning Play Symbols in a BONUS play area will not be the same as winning Play Symbols from another BONUS play area.

N. A non-winning BONUS play area will have two (2) different Play Symbols.

O. Consecutive Non-Winning Tickets within a Pack will not have matching BONUS play areas. For example, if the first Ticket contains a "LEMON" (LEMON) Play Symbol and a "HEART" (HEART) Play Symbol in any BONUS, then the next Ticket may not contain a "LEMON" (LEMON) Play Symbol and a "HEART" (HEART) Play Symbol in any BONUS play area in any order.

P. Non-Winning Tickets will not have matching BONUS play areas. For example, if BONUS 1 is the "DIAMOND" (DIAMND) Play Symbol and "CLUB" (CLUB) Play Symbol then BONUS 2- BONUS 12 play areas will not contain the "DIAMOND" (DIAMND) Play Symbol and "CLUB" (CLUB) Play Symbol.

Q. The "5X" (WINX5) Play Symbol will only appear two (2) times on a Ticket and those two (2) "5X" (WINX5) Play Symbols will only appear in the same BONUS play area.

R. Two (2) "5X" (WINX5) Play Symbols that appear in the same BONUS play area will win 5 TIMES the prize for that BONUS and will win as per the prize structure.

S. The "5X" (WINX5) Play Symbol will never appear on a Non-Winning Ticket.

T. A single "5X" (WINX5) Play Symbol will never appear on a Ticket.

U. The "10X" (WINX10) Play Symbol will only appear two (2) times on a Ticket and those two (2) "10X" (WINX10) Play Symbols will only appear in the same BONUS play area.

V. Two (2) "10X" (WINX10) Play Symbols that appear in the same BONUS play area will win 10 TIMES the prize for that BONUS and will win as per the prize structure.

W. The "10X" (WINX10) Play Symbol will never appear on a Non-Winning Ticket.

X. A single "10X" (WINX10) Play Symbol will never appear on a Ticket.

Y. The "5X" (WINX5) and "10X" (WINX10) Play Symbols will never appear on the same Ticket.

2.3 Procedure for Claiming Prizes.

A. To claim a "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game prize of $10.00, $20.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100, $200 or $500, a claimant shall sign the back of the Scratch Ticket in the space designated on the Scratch Ticket and may present the winning Scratch Ticket to any Texas Lottery Retailer. The Texas Lottery Retailer shall verify the claim and, if valid, and upon presentation of proper identification, if appropriate, make payment of the amount due the claimant and physically void the Scratch Ticket; provided that the Texas Lottery Retailer may, but is not required, to pay a $25.00, $50.00, $100, $200 or $500 Scratch Ticket Game. In the event the Texas Lottery Retailer cannot verify the claim, the Texas Lottery Retailer shall provide the claimant with a claim form and instruct the claimant on how to file a claim with the Texas Lottery. If the claim is validated by the Texas Lottery, a check shall be forwarded to the claimant in the amount due. In the event the claim is not validated, the claim shall be denied and the claimant shall be notified promptly. A claimant may also claim any of the above prizes under the procedure described in Section 2.3.B and Section 2.3.C of these Game Procedures.

B. To claim a "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game prize of $1,000, $5,000 or $250,000, the claimant must sign the winning Scratch Ticket and may present it at one of the Texas Lottery's Claim Centers. If the claim is validated by the Texas Lottery, payment will be made to the bearer of the validated winning Scratch Ticket for that prize upon presentation of proper identification. When paying a prize of $600 or more, the Texas Lottery shall file the appropriate income reporting form with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and shall withhold federal income tax at a rate set by the IRS if required. In the event that the claim is not validated by the Texas Lottery, the claim shall be denied and the claimant shall be notified promptly.

C. As an alternative method of claiming a "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game prize the claimant may submit the signed winning Scratch Ticket and a thoroughly completed claim form via mail. If a prize value is $1,000,000 or more, the claimant must also provide proof of Social Security number or Tax Payer Identification (for U.S. Citizens or Resident Aliens). Mail all to: Texas Lottery Commission, P.O. Box 16600, Austin, Texas 78761-6600. The Texas Lottery is not responsible for Scratch Tickets lost in the mail. In the event that the claim is not validated by the Texas Lottery, the claim shall be denied and the claimant shall be notified promptly.

D. Prior to payment by the Texas Lottery of any prize, the Texas Lottery shall deduct the amount of a delinquent tax or other money from the winnings of a prize winner who has been finally determined to be:

1. delinquent in the payment of a tax or other money to a state agency and that delinquency is reported to the Comptroller under Government Code §403.055;

2. in default on a loan made under Chapter 52, Education Code;

3. in default on a loan guaranteed under Chapter 57, Education Code; or

4. delinquent in child support payments in the amount determined by a court or a Title IV-D agency under Chapter 231, Family Code.

E. If a person is indebted or owes delinquent taxes to the State, other than those specified in the preceding paragraph, the winnings of a person shall be withheld until the debt or taxes are paid.

2.4 Allowance for Delay of Payment. The Texas Lottery may delay payment of the prize pending a final determination by the Executive Director, under any of the following circumstances:

A. if a dispute occurs, or it appears likely that a dispute may occur, regarding the prize;

B. if there is any question regarding the identity of the claimant;

C. if there is any question regarding the validity of the Scratch Ticket presented for payment; or

D. if the claim is subject to any deduction from the payment otherwise due, as described in Section 2.3.D of these Game Procedures. No liability for interest for any delay shall accrue to the benefit of the claimant pending payment of the claim.

2.5 Payment of Prizes to Persons Under 18. If a person under the age of 18 years is entitled to a cash prize under $600 from the "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game, the Texas Lottery shall deliver to an adult member of the minor's family or the minor's guardian a check or warrant in the amount of the prize payable to the order of the minor.

2.6 If a person under the age of 18 years is entitled to a cash prize of $600 or more from the "BONUS MONEY" Scratch Ticket Game, the Texas Lottery shall deposit the amount of the prize in a custodial bank account, with an adult member of the minor's family or the minor's guardian serving as custodian for the minor.

2.7 Scratch Ticket Claim Period. All Scratch Ticket prizes must be claimed within 180 days following the end of the Scratch Ticket Game or within the applicable time period for certain eligible military personnel as set forth in Texas Government Code §466.408. Any rights to a prize that is not claimed within that period, and in the manner specified in these Game Procedures and on the back of each Scratch Ticket, shall be forfeited.

2.8 Disclaimer. The number of prizes in a game is approximate based on the number of Scratch Tickets ordered. The number of actual prizes available in a game may vary based on number of Scratch Tickets manufactured, testing, distribution, sales and number of prizes claimed. A Scratch Ticket Game may continue to be sold even when all the top prizes have been claimed.

3.0 Scratch Ticket Ownership.

A. Until such time as a signature is placed upon the back portion of a Scratch Ticket in the space designated, a Scratch Ticket shall be owned by the physical possessor of said Scratch Ticket. When a signature is placed on the back of the Scratch Ticket in the space designated, the player whose signature appears in that area shall be the owner of the Scratch Ticket and shall be entitled to any prize attributable thereto. Notwithstanding any name or names submitted on a claim form, the Executive Director shall make payment to the player whose signature appears on the back of the Scratch Ticket in the space designated. If more than one name appears on the back of the Scratch Ticket, the Executive Director will require that one of those players whose name appears thereon be designated by such players to receive payment.

B. The Texas Lottery shall not be responsible for lost or stolen Scratch Tickets and shall not be required to pay on a lost or stolen Scratch Ticket.

4.0 Number and Value of Scratch Prizes. There will be approximately 8,040,000 Scratch Tickets in Scratch Ticket Game No. 2652. The approximate number and value of prizes in the game are as follows:

Figure 2: GAME NO. 2652 - 4.0 (.pdf)

A. The actual number of Scratch Tickets in the game may be increased or decreased at the sole discretion of the Texas Lottery Commission.

5.0 End of the Scratch Ticket Game. The Executive Director may, at any time, announce a closing date (end date) for the Scratch Ticket Game No. 2652 without advance notice, at which point no further Scratch Tickets in that game may be sold. The determination of the closing date and reasons for closing will be made in accordance with the Scratch Ticket closing procedures and the Scratch Ticket Game Rules. See 16 TAC §401.302(j).

6.0 Governing Law. In purchasing a Scratch Ticket, the player agrees to comply with, and abide by, these Game Procedures for Scratch Ticket Game No. 2652, the State Lottery Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 466), applicable rules adopted by the Texas Lottery pursuant to the State Lottery Act and referenced in 16 TAC, Chapter 401, and all final decisions of the Executive Director.


Bob Biard

General Counsel

Texas Lottery Commission

Filed: January 21, 2025

North Central Texas Council of Governments

Request for Proposals Flooded Roads Information System Project

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is requesting written proposals from consultant firms for the creation of an advanced warning system for transportation facilities to identify potential flooding risk areas and alert the public about potentially dangerous conditions and closed roads. The Dallas-Fort Worth region's transportation system is vulnerable to extreme flooding events with minimal communication to the public on roadway status. This project would create a preemptive warning system to inform the public in advance of any potential flooding of the transportation system. The study will assess existing and historical data collection, model the data to predict roadway flooding, and disseminate the results. The anticipated result will be a software to predict where flooding events of the transportation system would occur and a method to warn the public of the anticipated flooded areas.

Proposals must be received in-hand no later than 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on Friday, February 28, 2025, to Nathan Drozd, Principal Transportation Planner, North Central Texas Council of Governments, 616 Six Flags Drive, Arlington, Texas 76011 and electronic submissions to The Request for Proposals will be available at by the close of business on Friday, January 31, 2025.

NCTCOG encourages participation by disadvantaged business enterprises and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.


Mike Eastland

Executive Director

North Central Texas Council of Governments

Filed: January 22, 2025

Panhandle Regional Planning Commission

Legal Notice

Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) §108 (20 Code of Federal Regulations §679.500-580), the Panhandle Workforce Development Board is required to modify its comprehensive four-year Board plan that identifies and describes policies and procedures as well as local activities, and submit it to the State. The Panhandle Regional Planning Commission (PRPC), and the Panhandle Workforce Development Board (PWDB) will submit, to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), the Panhandle Workforce Development Board Plan for Program Years 2025-2028, on March 21, 2025.

Interested parties may examine the proposed modification of the Board Plan on the PRPC website at: Copies may also be requested by email using the contact information listed below.

PRPC will accept written public comments on the Board Plan submitted by February 24, 2025. Written comments may be sent to Leslie Hardin, Workforce Development Program Manager, by email:, or by mail: Panhandle Regional Planning Commission, P.O. Box 9257, Amarillo, Texas 79105-9257.

Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities : 711


Leslie Hardin

Program Manager

Panhandle Regional Planning Commission

Filed: January 15, 2025

Texas Department of Transportation

Notice of Agreement on Identification of Future Transportation Corridors Within Bastrop County

The Texas Department of Transportation and Bastrop County, Texas, have entered into an agreement that identifies future transportation corridors within Bastrop County in accordance with Transportation Code, Section 201.619. Copies of the agreement and all plans referred to by the agreement are available at the department's Austin District Office, 7901 N. Interstate Hwy 35, Austin, Texas 78753.


Becky Blewett

Deputy General Counsel

Texas Department of Transportation

Filed: January 22, 2025